
Sheridan Lardner

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I’m deeply ambivalent about Modern these days. We’re seeing both one of the most open fields in the format’s history (Hulk Combo got T16 at an Open!), but also one of its most linear (Hulk Combo got T16 at an Open…). Whether at SCG States, the big events, or the smaller regional venues, aggressive decks […]

StarCityGames has done a lot to support Modern in the past year, and their support doesn’t get much better than the October States circuit. Whether you’re a player who got to enjoy some Modern action or a format aficionado who got to enjoy 50+ Top 8 standings, States was an exciting midpoint between GP Oklahoma […]

Just because we’re in a Modern off-season doesn’t mean we can’t be excited about weekend tournaments. SCG Atlanta came and went, and while Jeskai Black and Abzan Megamorph clogged up Standard’s top tables, the Modern field looked far more open. Gruul Zoo! Allies! UR Storm! Restore frikkin Balance! I’m always hesitant to extrapolate too much […]

September 2015 will always be remembered as the month where Lantern Control won a Modern Grand Prix. If that’s not the sign of a diverse metagame, then I don’t know what it is. The last month saw a lot of movement around our tier 1 and tier 2 decks, all of which you can check […]

Last weekend was the not-so-eagerly awaited Modern debut of Battle for Zendikar. Man-oh-man did it meet its lack of expectations. Although the SCG Standard Open in Indianapolis saw some exciting performances by Bring to Light and five-color manabases, Modern was much less hospitable for our newest set. Only two of the Top 16 decks played any cards from […]

Praise be to Wizards! The 9/28 B&R Announcement went live this morning, yet again demonstrating Wizards is a competent and conservative manager for our beloved format. As in the July 2015 announcement, this is easily one of the best “No Changes” updates we could have asked for. Hopefully Wizards keeps these updates coming because I […]

My expectations weren’t high when I went to open the full Battle for Zendikar image gallery. Like Jordan, I wasn’t thrilled to see the first half of BFZ over the past few weeks, and was worried about what the rest of the set would hold. After seeing all 274 cards, I’m officially joining Jordan in […]

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