Sylvain reviews his specs for this Modern season. In the light of changes in the Modern format, Pro Tour hype and expectations from players and speculators he analyses the different price trends in an attempt to improve his profit next Modern season.
Sylvain Lehoux
Pauper is making a comeback with additional Daily Events on MTGO, and with it new speculative opportunities. Sylvain walks you through the basics of Pauper speculation and discusses potential targets.
Vintage Masters specs have been quite disappointing after the first eight months. For various reasons Vintage has not caught up with players on MTGO, but things may be about to change. Sylvain gives you an update on his investments in Vintage and Legacy staples.
Sylvain examines the results of Pro Tour Fate Reforged from the perspective of the following month on MTGO. Besides a few big winners and losers, all speculative options remain viable in the dynamic market of MTGO.
Sylvain delivers the first report of his “100 Tix 1 Year” investment project. First transactions, winners, losers, overall performance and credits to bots–read how things went for this rather prolific first month.
With Khans of Tarkir as a target, Sylvain explains how investment in full sets on MTGO can be a fairly profitable speculation, suitable for large bankrolls with a limited amount of time to manage them.
Following the shockwave of last week’s banlist announcement a lot will happen for MTGO speculators in February, including a Pro Tour, a Modern MOCS season and Fate Reforged release events. Sylvain tells us how to get ready.
Recognizing a trend or a good opportunity is the first step to speculate on MTGO, but buying and selling at the best prices can be laborious for new investors. Sylvain details his step-by-step process to get the most out of your specs.
Diversifying your portfolio, in quality and quantity, is fundamental to the success of big and small bankrolls alike. Sylvain discusses the importance of breaking up your portfolio into a sufficient number of positions to reduce the risk of big losses to zero.
Sylvain is starting a new MTGO project! This year he will document the growth a brand new MTGO account that begins with only 100 Tix. Learn how to follow along and participate in the contest so you can win a share of the proceeds!
Last week Sylvain examined how the time spent on an investment can be incorporated into performance calculations. This week he expands the parameters, and attempts to arrive at a universal formula to apply to any spec.
Insider: [MTGO] Is it Worth Your Time? – Standardizing Profit Calculations to Incorporate Time Spent
Sylvain examines a critical component of any investment–time. Between the duration of the investment itself and the human labor required to implement it, time is one component you don’t want to underestimate when evaluating the performance of a spec.
Modern Masters 2015 is official, but little is known at the moment except for the included sets. According to Sylvain, this information is worth as much as the spoiler list of MM2015 from a speculative standpoint–take advantage of it now!