December is usually a time when the Standard metagame is well defined and cards from the most recent fall set are at their lowest. Sylvain discusses a list of ten cards worth being on your radar for 2015.
Sylvain Lehoux
Buying your position back after a spike? In some circumstances this move makes a lot of sense. Sylvain explores this option in the MTGO environment where more speculators than before may contribute to bigger rises and falls.
Four months after M15, Sylvain’s speculative strategies for the set have panned out wonderfully. With the winter coming up, Sylvain reviews his investments and prepares for what should be the best season for many positions.
Sylvain goes deeper in explaining his thought process when pulling the trigger to sell. Responding to insiders’ comments, he explains why early sales have done more good than bad for him.
Most Modern staples have reached a seasonal dip and good opportunities are everywhere. Sylvain discusses conventional and unconventional choices to build your Modern portfolio before PT Fate Reforged.
This year, several rotating rares didn’t bottom out as Sylvain expected. Despite missing the lowest price, he is still taking advantage of good opportunities on rares and a few mythics.
Making the most of your bankroll doesn’t require making the most of every single spec. Small concessions here and there can often lead to higher profit down the road.
Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir is finally over and it was a real roller coaster for prices on MTGO. Sylvain gives us his perspective on his Standard positions going forward.
Sylvain explains why he doesn’t believe the online release of Khans of Tarkir constitutes a good investment opportunity. He also briefly discusses his plans with the incoming Pro Tour.
Playing competitive decks and getting the most out of your specs on MTGO can often seem like mutually exclusive goals. Sylvain gives us his thoughts and advice on how to reconcile the two.
The risk of reprint can make long-term investments on MTGO daunting, but Sylvain believes they are still viable. He reviews several years of price history and attempts to define a long-term strategy for carefully selected targets.
With Khans of Tarkir approaching, Modern cards as a whole are expecting to lose about 20% of their value. Sylvain advocates selling most of your Modern positions to keep the cash flowing and invest in other incoming opportunities.
Sylvain gives us an update on the price of M15 rares and gets ready to follow his investing strategy. He also offers his thoughts on Goblin Rabblemaster, the most expensive M15 rare so far.