Mike Lanigan
Mike Lanigan is high school math teacher by day and a shop owner by night. His tournament grinding may have slowed a little, but his love of the game has not. Mike's goal is to bring you a mix of perspectives from shop-owner insights to finance tips to metagame shifts and everything in between.
Mike Lanigan breaks down the deck he took to the Grudge Match and how he did at the tournament.
Mike Lanigan dives into the tribes of Innistrad to see which ones beg to be built around.
Mike Lanigan takes a look at some decks post rotation with a particular close look at Voltron and its new pal Mentor of the Meek.
Mike Lanigan details his initial tournament experiences with his Blue/White Puresteel Paladin deck, including his insight into how the deck should fare against the current field. Don’t miss out on Voltron!