Adventures in the Forgotten Realms spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped for this Dungeons and Dragons crossover set! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
The post Forgotten Realms: Spoilers and More! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Modern Horizons 2 is scheduled to be released on June 18, 2021, and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
The post Modern Horizons 2: Spoilers and More! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Wizards has been using Secret Lairs to get pretty experimental with their card designs, and with the upcoming release of Our Show Is On Friday, Can You Make It? Joe decided to sit down and find out if there's value to be had in Magic cards that don't really look like Magic cards.
The post These Don’t Look Like Magic Cards: The Value of Funk first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Strixhaven spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
The post Strixhaven: Spoilers and More! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>There has been some heated discussion lately on whether or not it's okay to purchase Magic cards with your economic stimulus payment. MTGJoeD weighs in with his opinion, offering some MTG Finance investment tips in the process.
The post Is It Okay to Spend Your Stimulus Check on Magic Cards? first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Time Spiral Remastered spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from the set and talks about which Timeshifted cards he's most excited for.
The post Time Spiral Remastered: Highlights first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>At the recent Hasbro Investor Event, it was revealed that Wizards is becoming a whole new division of Hasbro and launching a new initiative called Universes Beyond that will see Magic crossing over with other IPs such as Warhammer 40,000 and The Lord of the Rings.
The post Universes Beyond – Magic Set to Cross Over with Properties Like Warhammer 40,000 and The Lord of the Rings first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Wizards just announced a swath of exciting bans hitting Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Legacy, and Vintage. Today, Joe takes a look at the bannings, celebrates Oko finally leaving Legacy, and discusses what these bans could mean for the MTG Finance world.
The post February 15, 2021 Banned and Restricted Announcement Thoughts and Analysis first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Kaldheim is out and starting to impact constructed formats! Joe takes a look at the three singles he's most excited from in the set and their potential to be good speculations for your spec box.
The post MTGJoeD’s Top Three Kaldheim Singles first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Have you looked at the Zendikar Rising Expeditions lately? Joe did, and he thinks that there's a great opportunity to speculate on some real estate.
The post What’s the Deal With Zendikar Rising Expeditions? first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Kaldheim spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
The post Kaldheim: Spoilers and More! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Wizards of the Coast posted an emergency Banned and Restricted announcement on Thursday announcing the removal of Fall from Favor from the format.
The post January 14, 2021 Emergency Pauper Banned and Restricted Announcement first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>2020 was one heck of a rough year, and many people's hobbies suffered in the face of the Pandemic. Joe looks ahead to 2021 and regaining control of his MTG Finance hobby with several MTG Finance New Year's Resolutions.
The post MTG Finance New Year’s Resolutions first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Welcome back to the QS Insider Podcast! Chris O'Berry and Joe Davidson discuss the new Kaldheim spoilers and the marketing strategy surrounding them! This cast was originally broadcasted live to Insiders in the QS Insider Discord, December 20th, 2020. Show Notes Kaldheim Spoilers and Discussion! Magda, Brazen Outlaw, Realmwalker, Halvar, God of Battle, Sword of the […]
The post Insider: QS Insider Cast: Kaldheim Spoilers and Discussion! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Pioneer is set to pop off when paper Magic returns, and this week Joe takes a look at five Pioneer all-stars to speculate on.
The post Pioneer Prospects: Five Cards Worth Speculating On first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Chroberry and MTGJoeD discuss the new Standard meta, Commander Legends updates, Secret Lair analysis, and more!
The post QS Insider Cast: Standard Updates, Commander Legends in Legacy, and Secret Lairs first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Paper Magic tournaments are going to come back someday post-pandemic, which will undoubtedly lead to an increase in paper Magic card prices. Modern especially seems like a format prime for price increases, and today Joe takes a look at three more popular decks from the Modern meta that are full of prime speculation targets.
The post Zendikar Rising and the Future of Modern, Part 2 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Paper Magic tournaments are going to come back someday post-pandemic which will undoubtedly lead to an increase in paper Magic card prices. Modern especially seems like a format prime for price increases, and today Joe takes a look at three popular decks from the Modern meta that are full of prime speculation targets.
The post Zendikar Rising and the Future of Modern, Part 1 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Are you looking for a fun and competitive deck to grind out some Standard games with? Joe has you covered with this hilarious, fun-to-play Offspring's Revenge decklist and financial insights.
The post Offspring’s Revenge: The Most Fun You’ll Have in Standard? first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Commander Legends spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
The post Commander Legends: Spoilers and More! first appeared on Quiet Speculation.