With the prerelease right around the corner it’s time to evaluate the new cards. Find out which Origins cards Ryan thinks are appropriate priced and which are way off.
Abyssal Persecutor
Demonic Pact offers an interesting deckbuilding challenge. Are you up to it?
Jason Alt discusses cancelled orders and contract breaches, the overwhelming success of devotion on the PT, and results from SCG Milwaukee.
Matthew Lewis believes the effect of Cube on ROE singles prices this go around will follow a different pattern than with ZZW queues. He compares the two formats and explains why.
Worldwake is most iconic for Jace, The Mindsculptor, so let’s get that out of the way at the beginning. WWK has so much more going for it (okay, beyond just Stoneforge Mystic). Worldwake has several good-value rares and mythic rares, and thanks to how it was drafted, those cards will be worth more because so few were opened. Here’s what happened…
Josh Rayden shows us how to be prepared for a prerelease. Find out which thirty-three cards you should pay attention to at your local prerelease and why some cards may not be worth picking up quite yet.
10 Magic players of superior skill enter a single team cube draft. How do you handle the volume without taking up an entire day? Anthony has the clever, and fun, solution of Survivor Draft!
Wanting to give the newest and mono-Blackiest cards a chance to shine, Gregory Marques walks us through his current project.
With the exception of Splinter-Twin, however, the new metagame is very similar to the metagame before rotation. Edgar Flores won the first SCG Open with NPH legal with a UW CawBlade list that looked very similar to the pre-rotation lists. In this metagame there are a number of cards that are being underplayed, in my opinion, and here are the top 5.
Despite the Jace-filled Top 8, Corbin Hosler explores the interesting decks outside the Top 8 from Grand Prix Dallas, and provides a concise argument why Jace will not be banned in Standard.