Adarkar Valkyrie
This past weekend RUG Delver took a big step back into the limelight in Worcester. By coincidence, Ryan was busy taking down another Legacy event with the same archetype, though a significantly different list. To Probe or not to Probe, that seems to be the question.
Corbin has his eye on several cards that may benefit from the rash of reprints in Modern Masters. He advises picking up these cards in anticipation of next Modern season.
Modern Masters has been hyped as a value-laden set, and many people are cracking it for singles. Carl Szalich crunches the numbers to see if such a practice yields positive EV.
Modern Masters has been the biggest story in MTG finance this year. With access to the complete spoiler, Corbin Hosler believes now is the time to start looking at its impact in more specific terms. Tune in over the next couple weeks for his full analysis.
Carlos develops another Second Sunrise deck, this time with Vish Kal at the helm. Find out how profitable sacrificing your own creatures can be.
Carlos develops a mono-white angels deck with Linvala at the helm. Read on to find out about Commander from a more casual bent than usual.