Akroan Crusader
Considering the ideal opening of a new deck can lead you down different paths in deckbuilding. Mike Lanigan breaks down the major Standard contenders according to their opening plan, and explains what that says about their strategy.
Yuuya Watanabe’s Jeskai Tokens deck is an amazing innovation in Standard. Find out where Ryan thinks the deck might have room to improve and the direction he thinks the archetype should go!
If you’re getting into Standard, you can’t just expect to flip the deck later to recuperate your entry price. Danny Brown breaks down the cost and expected buylist price for the major Standard decks.
Mike Lanigan looks at the leading contenders in the brand new Khans Standard. You can expect to face off against these decks in the early weeks, so don’t come unprepared.
With the upcoming release of Khans of Tarkir, Standard will lose the bulk of its current card pool. Adam outlines which strategies are expected to stick around, what cards may see a rise in popular, and how you can prepare and profit from the rotation.