It’s certainly a buyer’s market out there, as prices have pulled back significantly from their highs. But you’ve got to know where to hunt for deals. This week Sig shares three tips on how to find great deals from some of the largest vendors.
Last Friday Sig drove to MagicFest Indianapolis, where he experienced inconsistent results in trying to move some Old School cards. One vendor did come to the rescue, but Sig’s strategy going forward is going to be a little different.
Sig is planning on attending a Magic Fest next month, where he hopes to sell cards to vendors. But one can’t just jump in blindly and expect to maximize value. This week Sig shares three helpful tips to help you prepare for selling to vendors.
Check out the first installment of Sigbits Extra, where Sig shares a brief insight into how he’s currently approaching this volatile MTG market.
The SCG Dallas Open showcased some interesting developments in several formats. Eddie takes stock of new technology and logs the changes to his portfolio in response.