Sigmund has two related topics in this week’s article. First he explores the continuation of Standard’s downtrend, then he shifts focus towards Thoughtseize specifically, where he makes makes some interesting comparisons…
Jason Alt weighs in on the B&R announcement, insider trading, and the possibility that Born of the Gods is, just maybe, underrated.
There’s no debate that price gainers lead to profitable opportunities. But each week reports top losers as well. These data can provide us with important insights.
This week Jason Alt looks at TCG buyouts, the defection of entire pro teams, and the (lackluster) mythics spoiled from Born of the Gods.
Corbin Hosler looks at some of the major changes that took place in Magic finance this year, and extrapolates for 2014.
Splinter Twin’s recent spike has elicited accusations of market manipulation. Corbin Hosler explains why he he believes these claims are misplaced.
A recent debate has arisen in the forums about how to time sales of a spiking card. Corbin Hosler lays out his philosophy and the reasoning behind it.
Corbin Hosler examines the aftermath of the last few prominent Modern spikes, and explains what it means for future Modern speculation.
Jason suggests keeping abreast of the metagame may provide a lot of insight into speculation targets, then (conveniently) covers decks from the weekend.
Jason Alt discusses the latest Banned and Restricted announcements before covering the ubiquitous tournament results.
There are lots of tournament results to pore over, but before getting to them Jason Alt examines the missed opportunities in the Shallow Grave debacle.
Lots of discussion has surfaced recently about price spikes in the MTG market. Jared Elick explains the important role speculators play in stabilizing artificially inflated prices.
Corbin addresses the financial implications of post-Gatecrash Standard, Wizards’ announcement regarding redemptions, and the alleged Modern bubble.