Francesco continues his study of the philosophies of the colors in Magic. This week he looks at the color blue. What defines a blue card?
Ancestral Recall
David serves his first tournament report in a bit, describing a crash-and-burn with Burn brought to us by a common Modern occurrence he dubs The Fringe Effect.
With his LGS holding an upcoming 15-proxy Vintage tournament, Paul is looking to the history of the original Magic format for ideas on what to play.
Art is an essential part of Magic: The Gathering. This week Paul looks at the history and collectability of Magic’s original artwork.
With in-store play coming back all across the country, Kai examines the importance of Judge Promos, and why they are likely to gain newfound interest soon.
It’s no surprise some older cards have peaked and are now pulling back. What DOES surprise Sig is that some cards are back on the climb and nearing previous highs. Why the split? This week, Sig looks at the numbers.
David reviews a small selection of Commander Legends spoilers and gives his take on the cards you should be looking as the release of the set draws near.
This week, Sig returns to Collectors’ Edition cards, examining how these have responded to recent Reserved List buyouts. Specifically, he points out an interesting gap developing between market pricing and retailer pricing. The trend could make you a little profit.
Chris makes the case for Eldritch Moon as an investment target. There’s a lot of great cards in this small set.