
Ancestral Vision

Editor’s Note: Please give a warm welcome to gold pro Gregory Orange, fresh off of his team Grand Prix win last weekend! For a while we haveĀ been discussing the potential of him of making content for Modern Nexus. Today I’m excited to debut his first MTGO videos, where he runs UW Control through the paces […]

As of this writing, a playset of Ancestral Vision will set you back 140 tickets on MTGO. Sure, some of that is finance garbage due to Snapcaster Mage and fetches being in MM3, but even before that the card was 25+ tickets. Corey Burkhart (and now Shaheen Soorani) have been in the spotlight in recent […]

Grixis Control has received a surprising amount of attention recently, due in large part to Corey Burkhartā€™s continued work on the archetype, and Shaheen Sooraniā€™s recent adoption of the strategy. For those wondering about Richie Sledzā€™s 4th-place finish at the SCG Open in Indianapolis, look no further. His deck was almost a direct copy of […]

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