The Banned & Restricted update means big changes for Modern, and Adam is here to explain what cards will see an increase in demand as a result.
Ancestral Vision
After weeks of waiting, the time has come! Eldrazi is gone, and we could possibly be on the precipice of a Control Takeover. Before I wake from this dream, I have to do the only thing I know how: analyze! This week, we’ll briefly go over the ban announcement, the immediate impacts, and make some predictions […]
A lot happened since Monday morning. At 9:39 AM, Wizards released its April 4 banlist update. About five seconds after 9:39 AM, the Modern community went nuts. While some have criticized aspects of the update, the overwhelming majority of players responded on the scale of cautious optimism to frenzied ecstasy. Surprising no one who lived […]
Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
Rejoice, fellow Nexites! The Powers-That-Be have at last stepped in to put an end to Eldrazi Winter. We may at last emerge from the ruins, gaze upon the metagame again with clear eyes and eager hearts, and go forth and enjoy this beautiful new world. Breathe in, good Nexites, and breathe out a great, joyful sigh […]
In the beginning of Eldrazi Winter, there was darkness and tentacles and a Tier 0 deck where there had once been diversity. And Wizards said, “Let there be bans,” and there were bans. And, to surprise the players they had forsaken and restore balance to the Modern Force, Wizards said, “Let there be unbans,” and […]
With Shadows over Innistrad previews done, Modern players can now start combing the set for high-impact sleepers and hidden gems. Sheridan gets the ball rolling.
The Grand Prix weekend showcased the most broken metagame in Modern’s history. Sheridan looks past the inevitable ban for technology and strategies to invest in before April.
Brian takes on the ever-important task of evaluating his past picks for success and failure, focusing on the past two months.
David returns to the Stock Watch with last week’s biggest movers across several formats. He presents each card with an explanation of the likely causes of its price change.
In a new series Sylvain invites you to follow in realtime the management of a very large MTGO bankroll. Read on for an introduction to the series and his most recent moves.
Modern gets a big banlist update on January 18. Sheridan is here to predict the outcomes and advise how to make money on the announcement.
Brian weighs in on the Modern banned list, surveying all the cards he thinks might see a change in February. He discusses the likelihood of each and what it would entail financially.