Standard is nearing rotation but that doesn’t mean we’re lacking for action. Eddie covers the cards to hold and fold this week, including key foils, promos, and Pauper staples.
Eddie presents the latest price movements and advises on what to hold, what to get rid of, and the reasoning behind it.
Enemy-colored fastlands look to be some of the biggest Modern hits out of Kaladesh. Sheridan breaks down where they might go and how much they might cost.
Pauper leagues are in full swing, which means tons of decklists to pick over! Ryan provides his thoughts on the state of the format and the best way to invest.
The post-Origins Standard metagame has proven surprisingly interesting, with a host of new decks cropping up each week. Mike Lanigan looks at the latest contenders.
Standard is proving extremely dynamic as this weekend a completely new archetype in Mill dominated. Doug Linn looks at the actionable information and considers what will happen in the short term.
Mill wins the GP! Could this deck possibly be the real deal?
Corbin Hosler looks at the movement of some–what else?–Merfolk staples, and explains how a slow holiday season creates opportunities.
Danny debates the merits of rare drafting, reflecting on a recent event he played in.
Mike Lanigan reviews an old Naya deck from years past to see how it might inform a similar strategy in Theros Standard.
Mike brings us the tale of his Grand Prix experience in Columbus, where he piloted the same deck that landed three players in the Top Eight. Read on to hear the yarn and see the newest Modern tech.
Last week, we tore through the first half of Shards of Alara. We saw hit commons like Blightning and killer trade bait like Death Baron. Let’s take a close look at the second half of the set this week and see what treasures we come upon.