april 1 | Quiet Speculation
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3232Thawing Late: A Bant Snow World
https://www.quietspeculation.com/2020/04/thawing-late-bant-snow-world/#commentsWed, 01 Apr 2020 16:00:47 +0000https://quietspeculation.com/?p=21479I cannot escape. As a Denver resident, I am used to unusually unseasonal weather usurping usual undertakings. Why, as a lad I suffered snow at summer camp more than once. Even in July. And an unrelated time, it snowed in August. While thinking of snow on the pines is pleasant and all, it has little […]
]]>https://www.quietspeculation.com/2020/04/thawing-late-bant-snow-world/feed/5Introducing Max Banlist Modern!
https://www.quietspeculation.com/2016/04/introducing-max-banlist-modern/#commentsFri, 01 Apr 2016 16:00:39 +0000http:// Banned List Modern is the South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut of Magic. Playing No Banned List Modern today feels like sneaking Sharon Stone's Basic Instinct on Sunday-afternoon cable when you were five. Or watching the opening fight of UFC #1, where a shirtless Vladimir Putin in karate-pants kicks the Hawaiian singer of Somewhere […]
]]>https://www.quietspeculation.com/2016/04/introducing-max-banlist-modern/feed/19IT! BEGINS!
https://www.quietspeculation.com/2016/04/it-begins/#commentsFri, 01 Apr 2016 15:59:45 +0000http:// HAS BEGUN! It is, at last, coming to FRUITION! They laughed at me, said it was impossible, said I was wasting my, SAID IT WOULD DRIVE ME MAD! MAD! Do you remember, DO YOU REMEMBER IT, Morgenthau? Remember how they said that the Storm itself was perfect, that attempting to harness it and turn […]