

It’s hard to believe that Scars of Mirrodin is nearly two years old. It’s nearing the end of its rotation through Standard and while many of the prices in the set are still under the influence of Standard pricing, there are still a lot of hidden gems in the set. In this article, I’m going to focus on the lesser-known cards and the casual stars. You know about what Copperline Gorge and Darkslick Shores go for, but I’m sure you’ll come away from this with a more comprehensive knowledge of the set. If you’re looking for throw-ins or running your own bulk box, you’ll get a lot out of this.

I am an Aggro player at heart. Since this is my first article, I thought I’d start things off with an Aggro deck that seems like it can float under the radar with your current meta. It’s a Green and Red Aggro deck… I was working on a similar list, but since that was put on the shelf for now, I will work within what I call a “development list phase.”

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