Last Friday Sig drove to MagicFest Indianapolis, where he experienced inconsistent results in trying to move some Old School cards. One vendor did come to the rescue, but Sig’s strategy going forward is going to be a little different.
Bad Moon
In Magic finance as elsewhere, people tend to fall into psychological traps involving emotions and bias. Sigmund highlights some of these tendencies to help improve your decision making.
In this last of four installments, we review Garruk vs. Liliana, and discuss whether Duel Decks: Anthology is a buy at MSRP.
Mike Lanigan reviews Journey Into Nyx with his pick for the top ten cards most likely to impact Standard.
Pete returns with an update to his popular Horde Magic format, introducing an element of story with The Raid.
Welcome back to another week of financially-minded set reviews. This week, we are finishing our look at Time Spiral, an incredible set for players and collectors. Like I said before, Time Spiral was a set that rewarded long-time players.
Peter Knudson introduces a format to appease your Zombie apocalypse needs. Grab a deck and prepare to face off against the relentless Zombie Horde with Peter’s new way to put your cards to use and outlive the undead.