
Ball Lightning

It’s hard to believe that Scars of Mirrodin is nearly two years old. It’s nearing the end of its rotation through Standard and while many of the prices in the set are still under the influence of Standard pricing, there are still a lot of hidden gems in the set. In this article, I’m going to focus on the lesser-known cards and the casual stars. You know about what Copperline Gorge and Darkslick Shores go for, but I’m sure you’ll come away from this with a more comprehensive knowledge of the set. If you’re looking for throw-ins or running your own bulk box, you’ll get a lot out of this.

Onslaught was a momentous set. The cards catered to a huge number of casual players who wanted support for their tribal decks, with support for Elves, Goblins and other, newly-ordained tribes like Soldiers and Wizards. It’s hard to believe that before Onslaught, “tribal” wasn’t really much of a term to describe the mechanic. The set had plenty for tournament players, too.

My name is Joshua Justice. I’m technically a “Magic Pro” because I won a PTQ last year and made Day Two at Pro Tour: Amsterdam. In reality, I’m just a weekend grinder who’s been back in the game for a little over a year, and I’ve had a couple of successful tournaments. This story begins two weeks before Grand Prix: Atlanta, in a comic shop called The DeeP in Huntsville, Alabama. My plan that day was to play in a Grand Prix Trial, then move to Atlanta to start my new job.

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Quiet Speculation