Ryan breaks down the results of the Pro Tour and highlights the strategies that he believes will have the most success going forward.
Battlefield Forge
David pores over the Top 8 decks from PT SOI. He discusses strengths and weaknesses in the metagame moving forward, and closes with the weekend’s financial takeaways.
There were eight unique decks in the Top 8 of PT:SOI, but the diversity doesn’t stop there!
There was a time when the “good stuff” decks were three colors. In Shadows Standard, they’re mono-white.
Mike presents his first “tournament finance report” from the Columbus Invitational! Join him as he examines finance and metagame trends through the lens of each round.
Can’t decide whether to play Eldrazi or all the great black and white cards in Standard? Why not both?
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
As it turns out, we will have another cycle of allied lands. Read on as Ryan explores the implications of this and other spoilers on Shadows Standard.
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
The name and number crunch has left an interesting gap in Shadows over Innistrad, providing a huge clue as to what post-Khans Standard decks will look like.
The Grand Prix weekend showcased the most broken metagame in Modern’s history. Sheridan looks past the inevitable ban for technology and strategies to invest in before April.
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
Sylvain presents another week of high stakes bankroll management, with a detailed summary of buys and sells and the first answers to reader-submitted questions!