With the launch of Journey Into Nix, Standard is looking to experience a shift in the meta. Adam outlines how he predicts the next few weeks to look and offers some sideboard choices everyone should consider.
Bile Blight
Ryan launches into another round of spoilers, focusing on a few key cards, including one innocuous-looking 2-drop you might have overlooked.
Ryan examines the first waves of spoilers for potential gems.
Adam describes the Ins and Outs – literally – of Mono-Black Devotion. Print this off and bring it to Grand Prix Cincinnati if you’re going!
Danny details the ways he is able to use every part of the animal, when it comes to drafting with a mind for value.
In all the talk of Modern, Corbin doesn’t want to forget the most popular format–Standard. He looks at cards trending up and down.
Jason Alt covers the best from the world of MTG podcasting and the results from GP Melbourne and SCG Atlanta.
Jason Alt looks at the out-of-control hype that followed close on the heals of the PT, the Pro Tour itself, and results from SCG St. Louis.
Mike Lanigan shares his build of an aggressive Orzhov deck sporting Brimaz, along with a local tournament report.
Ryan adapts to the new Standard format by exploring a new flavor of R/w: Burn.