Mental Misstep rose quickly and was banned decisively. Here’s some history of the card’s impact and some questions about its effectiveness in Modern.
Birds of Paradise
Khans of Tarkir has made its impact felt in eternal formats, and Modern is no exception. Mike Lanigan surveys the decklists from GP: Madrid to see how Modern is evolving to incorporate the new cards.
While the supposed Ascendancy menace in Modern failed to materialize, the impact of Khans has been nothing short of colossal. Mike Lanigan sifts through the decklists proven capable of competing in a post-Treasure Cruise world.
Ryan missed the boat on Treasure Cruise, but now’s the time to explore the full potential of the delve mechanic. Find out his thoughts on why delve will impact every constructed format!
Adam recaps tournament results from last weekend and their impact on the financial world this week. He also shares his specs going forward into the Pro Tour!
With a pretty stagnant Standard format, Mike Lanigan has been turning his eye to Modern. He shares some new lists that have popped up, as well as his own innovations.
Zwischenzug plays the sweetest deck in Modern. Scroll to the bottom of the article for the bonus of a new Hearthstone deck that is putting up strong results.
Jason Alt covers the ins and outs of two of Magic’s rarest and most bizarre sets–Alternate Fourth Edition and Summer Magic.
The best deck in Modern may have gained the most from M15. Two Reclamation Sages may not sound like much, but sometimes two cards is the difference between missing Top 8 and winning the tournament.
Adam shares his Modern metagame analysis and predictions, including what you should have prepared in your sideboard, just in time for Grand Prix Boston !
This video was published on Quiet Speculation on April 21st. We’ve chosen to unlock it now in order to showcase Paul Nemeth/Zwischenzug’s videos and showcase what Paul has to offer every week.
Paul plays his take on Angel-Pod, a recent variation of what is widely considered the best deck in Modern: Melira-Pod.