Paul examines the value of silver-bordered cards, with a focus on the collectability and fun factor of the Un-sets.
Black Lotus
Returning from a well-deserved vacation, Sig takes a wider look at the Magic finance landscape, examining Modern Horizons 2, Reserved List staples, and more.
Modern Horizons 2 is scheduled to be released on June 18, 2021, and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
Last week’s inflation data created shock waves in the stock market. This piqued Sig’s curiosity: does inflation also impact the Magic market? He found an article that describes the potential impact very well…oh, and that article was written in 1978!
In any sort of investing, it’s important to define key terms in order to make sense of and properly evaluate investment opportunities. David outlines these key terms, and how they relate to Magic.
It’s no surprise some older cards have peaked and are now pulling back. What DOES surprise Sig is that some cards are back on the climb and nearing previous highs. Why the split? This week, Sig looks at the numbers.
Magic broke into mainstream media, briefly, last week. Popular music artist Post Malone was sighted purchasing Magic cards at a local card shop. Is this enough to catalyze some sort of growth? This week, Sig shares his thoughts on the matter.
This week Sig examines recent pricing trends on some of Magic’s historically most overprinted and under-powered sets: Homelands, Fallen Empires, and Chronicles. Without looking, can you guess what booster boxes of these sets sell for today? The answer may surprise you!
It’s no secret: Alpha cards are very expensive now. There are just not very many copies to go around. But what about Beta? It’s print run is larger, but relative to the player base, it’s still tiny. This week Sig examines the Beta market and shares his thoughts on Beta’s likely price trajectory.
Nine years ago, Sig wrote his first article describing the collectibility of Alpha rares. At the time, he had no idea just how much the Alpha market could explode. This week, he revisits the topic, updating his view on the set and sharing tips on where to buy.
Less than 1,100 copies of any given Alpha rare were printed. That’s a tiny number! How does it compare with chase collectibles from other hobbies? This week Sig investigates, sharing his conclusions that Alpha rares have a lot of room for growth.
“History repeats itself.” We hear this phrase time and again to describe all sorts of socioeconomic phenomena. But does it apply to the Magic market this time? This week, Sig examines the market-moving forces of 2020-2021 and compares back to 2017-2018.