As card prices continue to climb, it’s OK to take profits. Really. This week, Sig shares three mantras he keeps in mind to help him overcome negative emotions associated with selling.
Black Lotus
David examines the recent movement in Reserved List rares, and outlines the telltale signs of a bubble about to pop.
As high-end card prices reach record highs, the temptation to sell may be climbing. But don’t rush into the process without first reading this article. Sig shares the hidden costs and implications when dealing in four jand five-figure cards.
Despite the huge rally we’ve seen in Magic prices so far, Sig doesn’t believe it’s over. Not just yet. This week, he shares the factors that could drive prices even higher, including support from major vendors via aggressive buylists.
Is Magic going to moon? 2021 is shaping up to be a banner year for Magic. Adam shows us why 2020 was a huge year for the game, and why 2021 will eclipse it.
Commander Legends spoiler season is here and the Quiet Speculation team is hyped! Joe takes a look at the highlights from each day of spoilers and helps you prepare for release day.
David reviews a small selection of Commander Legends spoilers and gives his take on the cards you should be looking as the release of the set draws near.
eBay’s completed listings can provide a reasonable look at old, rare card values. Data from other sources may be insufficient. However, one should not trust eBay completed listings blindly. This week, Sig shares some watchouts when using eBay completed listing data in negotiations.
When buyouts occur, strange pricing trends can result. But a few trends in particular are causing Sig to scratch his head. This week he shares the discrepancies and tries to explain why his observations stand out.
In response to The Professor at Tolarian Community College’s recent video on the Reserved List, David provides his perspective on the subject and why he disagrees.
This week, Sig returns to Collectors’ Edition cards, examining how these have responded to recent Reserved List buyouts. Specifically, he points out an interesting gap developing between market pricing and retailer pricing. The trend could make you a little profit.
With the recent run on Commander / Old School cards, players have been reaching towards budget, Foreign Black-Bordered option. Suddenly, these cards aren’t so “budget” anymore. This week Sig examines the trend and shares thoughts on how best to sell these once-obscure cards.
With all the Reserved List chatter of late, Sig turns introspective and examines his own history with the RL while making his case for its preservation.