As of Sunday morning, prices really hadn’t reacted to MC Cleveland at all. Is Standard speculation dead? This week Sig investigates, offering some alternate options to park your Magic money.
Black Lotus
Recently Sig ran a controversial poll on Twitter: Is Power 9 a good investment? Today he shares his analysis and sentiment regarding this deceptively complicated question.
This week, Eddie takes a deeper look into how Ravnica Allegiance is starting to affect all formats, along with his resulting portfolio updates.
In the week leading up to the release of Ravnica Allegiance some interesting decks have popped up. Eddie covers the new tech and discusses cards he’s picked up from those lists.
Eddie preordered a good amount of cards from Ravnica Allegiance. Find out why this time is a bit different than other sets. He also makes some bold predictions.
2018 was a wild year in MTG finance. This week Sig summarizes his optimism for 2019 and the areas of the market he thinks will strengthen as the year unfolds.
Eddie takes a look at some cards to pick up during the winter lull, and prepares us for more Ravnica Allegiance spoiler speculation.