RW Vehicles won the week one Open of Kaladesh Standard, and control won the Pro Tour. Aggro must adapt to survive.
Blessed Alliance
Mike discusses how the top Standard decks of Pro Tour Kaladesh will impact the metagame and markets moving forward.
Mike discusses a Mardu planeswalker deck poised to combat the Smuggler’s Copter metagame plus where prices from Kaladesh will go from here.
Torrential Gearhulk was met with mixed review when it was spoiled, though it’s arguably one of the best cards in Kaladesh.
Fresh off his prerelease, Mike Lanigan is back with some updated calls on Kaladesh cards!
Mike Lanigan gets a head start on Rotation, identifying which of the current crop of Standard decks is best served to stay strong after Kaladesh arrives.
The last thing we need in Standard is more Bant. Though perhaps you’ll find this non-Company build more bearable.
Mike looks over the more interesting decks to come out of SCG Columbus (read: not Bant Company) and shares his financial takeaways.
David finishes his set review of Eldritch Moon for eternal formats, with a treatment of the interesting commons and uncommons.
Mike reviews Eldritch Moon for the more banal, but still important role players that are likely to hit tournament tables soon. These cards will help shape the new Standard.