Modern Horizons 3 has released and the metagame has dramatically shifted. There’s a large problem looming over Modern, but the metagame is looking healthy.
Blood Moon
Modern has finally achieved critical mass… of legends! Mox Amber holds together a five-color pile that can grind out anything with its top-down engine-focus.
David S. got to sling some Sneak and Show in person, and is back with both a tournament report and some juicy financial takes for Legacy lovers.
Joe aka “Beardy” discusses retraining a 1v1 duelist mindset into that of a multiplayer master, exploring three skills necessary to win games with more players.
The combo of free elementals and undying effects in RB Scam is so good it feels like we’re scamming our opponents. Adam goes over the deck and how it works.
Which Double Masters 2022 rares are worth speculating on? David S. assesses the trajectories of previous Masters reprints to draft a juicy list of potentials.
Sideboards dominate Constructed gameplay but are often overlooked in Limited. This week Rob discusses how sideboards can swing match-ups in Limited.
Joe aka “Beardy” examines player perceptions of the metagame. Is it true that you can’t really compete without the “best” cards?
David E. explores a curious trend among Modern’s top decks: they’re ALL Affinity! Here’s how to beat their strategy of blitzing G1 and powering through hate.
Andrew enlists his Judging expertise to outline a series of best practices for tournament preparation, covering everything from sleeves to lunches to alters.
Andrew takes a step forward in his layers series, looking now to type-changing effects and popular interactions with Blood Moon, Urza’s Saga, and more.