
Blood Moon

A few weeks ago, I brought up Ryuuta Igarashi’s GR Aggro deck, which grew prodigious Tarmogoyfs and powered out Blood Moon with Pyretic Ritual. The combination of Moon and Goyf so intoxicated me that I built GRx Moon decks all last winter, and had some success with them last summer. When I designed Abzan Moon, I figured I’d optimized the strategy […]

Last week, we began our discussion on the Theory of Context by examining the principles of interaction that drive individual card playability. From there, we examined the Context of Modern by grouping and analyzing archetypes on a broad level, focusing particularly on the pressures each macro-archetype places on the format as a whole. This week, […]

They key to brewing successfully is to work with cards you love. My enduring fascination with Tarmogoyf and Blood Moon led me to develop a strategy that gets the most out of both cards. Last week, we saw the birth of TURBOGOYF and the deck’s first draft. This article tracks the deck’s development, which culminates in a build with Siege […]

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