
Blood Moon

“I don’t know what this world is coming to,” once hollered The Soul Children. Indeed, society as we once knew it is becoming increasingly unrecognizable. Is the solution to succumb to our basest animal instincts, or to put mind over matter in a true triumph of human spirit? Today’s brew report encapsulates that struggle, as […]

The metagame is beginning to take form, and now is the time for players to start adapting. This could mean adjusting which decks they play, how they play them, or what cards they play. Now is naturally a time for experimentation, but no such transitional period is free from common mistakes. Whether it’s misunderstanding how […]

With the August 26 banning announcement, Hogaak was exiled from Modern, to the aplomb of pundits. Many were also pleased with Wizards’s other decision: to axe Faithless Looting. This change affected me differently—not only had I recently spliced Looting into Counter-Cat, the card had always formed the backbone of GRx Moon, a longstanding pet project of […]

This is a bit sudden: Modern Horizons has only been out for two weeks, but here we are starting Core 2020 spoilers. The summer release schedule has ensured that Modern is utterly saturated with new cards, and it is struggling to absorb them all. There hasn’t been much time to determine the effects that War of the Spark  […]

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