Chances are, you’re going to make a lot of money from RTR because you’re going to be actively reading and trading all through the next month or so. However, you have got to avoid losing money along the way, too! You don’t want to be stuck with Magic cards that you could have sold a few weeks ago for double the value.
Bonfire of the Damned
Gervaise delves into the techniques and reasons behind using the internet as a primary mode of card acquisition.
As Standard rotation nears, many cards in Innistrad and Scars block prices will reach new lows. Sigmund talks about where he’s putting his money, as well as reveals a few personal takeaways from GP Boston.
The quantity of product opened is but one of several factors that determine the supply of cards in the MTGO market. In today’s article Matthew Lewis analyzes recent data from a number of online retailers to get an idea of where online Standard prices are headed next year.
Corbin Hosler examines all the sides of the concept of “bulking,” explaining how it can benefit everyone involved!
Building a good deck is more than throwing every good card from a color into a pile and shuffling them together.
Jason relates all the myriad happenings of that great gaming get together, Gen Con! If you weren’t fortunate enough to partake in the festivities yourself, be sure not to miss the recap!
Corbin Hosler explains what trading technique he’s developed to own the floor at big events! An essential read before GenCon or your next Grand Prix.
Twitter has recently been buzzing with MTG discussion. Sigmund touches upon each of the upcoming product releases and uses the facts to theorize how they will impact card prices in the coming months.
Jason waxes poetic about the upcoming Gen Con, presents some famous characters immortalized in Magic card form, and reports the (shocking) tournament results from the weekend.
It’s another week of examples today, selected to help hone some of your predictive senses on speculation. I’m going to share some cards today and I’ll be honest – sometimes, I still don’t know why these things act the way they do. Join me as we tease out the reasons why cards go up or fail to go up. You’ll get a sense of my thinking process and the questions that I’m asking myself along the way.
As we near rotation, Standard continues to be dominated by aggressive creature strategies. Mike advocates shaking it up with a dedicated control deck and provides two brand-new lists in said vein.
Ryan unveils his monoblue Trading Post deck and outlines why it is arguably the best version of the deck.