Corbin Hosler gears up for the prerelease with a review of notable card prices from the new set. What is over- and underpriced, and why?
Boros Reckoner
Danny raves about the upcoming prerelease, and makes some suggestions for how you should approach yours.
Ryan launches into another round of spoilers, focusing on a few key cards, including one innocuous-looking 2-drop you might have overlooked.
Dylan analyzes the new Gods, predicting where their values might trend in the upcoming weeks and months.
Ryan examines the first waves of spoilers for potential gems.
Sylvain Lehoux goes over his experiences speculating on Block from the last two years, and applies lessons to Journey Into Nyx.
No one wants to kill a Lhurgoyf twice, but it sure sounds better than “bloodrush, boros charm, you lose”. Here are a few Standard decks that don’t care about mana symbols for once.
Adam describes the Ins and Outs – literally – of Mono-Black Devotion. Print this off and bring it to Grand Prix Cincinnati if you’re going!
Sylvain has noticed price spikes on MTGO occurring faster recently, much as with paper prices. He explains how to approach these situations prudently.
Ryan breaks down two PTQ experiences he recently had with his Standard Burn deck.
Ryan points his spells to the dome with an update of his Standard Burn deck.
Ryan adapts to the new Standard format by exploring a new flavor of R/w: Burn.