Adam believes Modern Horizons may have a similar effect as the original Modern Masters, helping the format explode in popularity. Given this, acquiring staples looks attractive.
Bottled Cloister
David Schumann breaks down a full list of his specs in the Modern format, with an explanation of his logic in picking them up and the results so far.
Adam retells the many storylines of Grand Prix New Jersey. He also shares the top-performing decklists, reveals the secrets they hold, and explains their metagame position moving forward.
Magic may be one of the best games ever made, but others are out there. Mike Lanigan talks about exploring some of them at the Origins Game Fair last weekend.
Carlos leads us through his trademark commander deck-building process yet again, this time with Damia, Sage of Stone at the helm and capped off by a maddening finish!
10 Magic players of superior skill enter a single team cube draft. How do you handle the volume without taking up an entire day? Anthony has the clever, and fun, solution of Survivor Draft!