Ryan launches into another round of spoilers, focusing on a few key cards, including one innocuous-looking 2-drop you might have overlooked.
Burning Earth
Ryan recounts his experience playing Standard this past weekend at the SCG in Wisconsin.
Mike Lanigan covers a series of topics today, including counterfeiting, beating Mono-Black & the financial state of Standard.
Ryan breaks down his sideboard plans for R/w Devotion, reasoning his way through all of the major Standard archetypes.
Ryan breaks down the standard deck to which he has recently grown devoted: R/w Devotion. Read on the help prepare for your next PTQ!
Ryan details his choices for Standard and Legacy as the Invitational approaches.
Jason Alt weighs in on the crashed MOCS event and resulting hullabaloo, before discussing the Top 8 Legacy and Standard decks from the weekend.
Mike Lanigan presents mono-red and mono-blue devotion decks and discusses trading at the SCG Invitational for his card store.
Kyle explains the process he uses to analyze tournament data, and gives a follow up on the Standard statistics from last week.
Jason Alt discusses his tendency to plagiarize himself, the consequences of issuing orders, and the recent decklists from around the world.
Today Mike Lanigan discusses the hottest mechanic coming off of the PT, which has only begun to affect the Standard metagame: devotion.
This week Jason Alt questions the ancient maxim “better lucky than good” and dissects results from the first week of new Standard.
Jason Alt relates cognitive lag and undersea cables between New York and London to the world of MTG speculation, then pours over decklists.