As many once-forgotten cards skyrocket in price, now could be a great time to consider selling. But Sig doesn’t recommend selling just anything. This week he shares guidelines on how to approach this volatile, sellers’ market.
Like 2017, 2020 has become the year of the Reserved List buyout. But just because a card disappears from the market doesn’t mean its price will forever be 10x it was before. This week, Sig dissects the buyout and highlights the data that creates the perceived price spikes.
An image of a Faerie appeared on the internet and suddenly everyone in MTG Finance world wants to buy Faerie cards. This behavior can be frustrating, but it can also lose you money if you’re not careful. Sigmund breaks down the case against faeries, and why you shouldn’t give in to the hype.
The one-week rule is handy when trying to navigate buyouts on newer cards. But what about the much older, rarer Reserved List cards? MTG finance buyouts can disrupt an RL card’s price for months. Fortunately, Sig has some good news to share in this week’s edition of “Beating the Buyouts”.
MTG finance has been on the receiving end of some backlash recently after rampant buyouts catalyzed by Modern Horizons spoilers. But is it deserved? This week Sig examines this nefarious buyout behavior and explains how it could be harming the broader community.
Brian discusses the value of expensive Reserved List cards from an oft unconsidered perspective—their appeal as luxury goods not for play.