Calcite Snapper
Ryan’s been really getting to know Izzet Delver. But what’s a tempo player to do when a wild Thrun appears? Ryan explore the options.
Witness the unveiling of Ryan’s pauper cube list and see if it inspires you to join in the awesomeness.
Joshua takes one last look at the pre-ban format, then focuses on the new Standard, discovering that a surprising card may end up defining the format.
We’ve had 2 weeks of Opens to see the impact New Phyrexia has had on the Standard and Legacy tournament scenes. I’m going to focus on Standard, since the Grand Prix this weekend is Legacy, and will almost certainly have more players than the SCG Open series gets. Waiting on that will give us a bit of a better view on the format. However, for Standard, there’s no reason to wait, especially since the format hasn’t really undergone much of a change.