Mike Lanigan examines the Standard and Block Constructed decks that lose the least to rotation, and are likely to form the backbone of the new Standard.
Call of the Conclave
Mike Lanigan took his “Aristocrats 3.0” build to the Platinum TCQ in Ohio last weekend and rode it all the way to 2nd place. Read on for his tournament report.
Thragtusk is yet again dominating Standard. Mike Lanigan attempts to solve the format with a series of decks well-positioned against the card.
Mike Lanigan responds to a friend in need who’s trying to build a Standard deck around Pack Rat. Operating under the specified restrictions, he sets out to make the most competitive deck possible.
The decks in Standard tend to break down into Thragtusk and anti-Thragtusk. Mike examines both sides to find out which is preferable.
Mike provides some examples of cards being under- and overrated in the new Standard format, before sharing a few decklists.
What are the staples from RtR we’ll be jamming in Standard decks for the next two years? Mike ranks the top ten cards from Return to Ravnica.
Continuing his discussion of the new Ravnica Standard, Mike brings Zombies into the world of midrange and provides an updated Armada Wurm list.
Mike brews up some possible shells for a sure-to-be contender in Standard’s near future, Armada Wurm.