Ryan expects a wide open field for PT Battle for Zendikar, an environment Four-Color Control is uniquely positioned to capitalize on. He shares his thoughts and a rough sketch of the deck.
Canopy Vista
Mike Lanigan presents his Box Report for Battle for Zendikar, calculating the value of several opened boxes to get empirical data on the EV of the set.
Adam looks at the biggest price winners of last week from both Battle for Zendikar and the rest of Standard, and discusses where they might head next.
Chaz concludes his financial evaluation of Battle for Zendikar, providing his list of each rare by tier and an explanation for his thoughts.
Non-red aggro looks poised to make a comeback with Courser of Kruphix gone from Standard. Mike shares the lists he’s been working on and explains the thoughts behind them.
Ryan explores the impact of the new dual lands in Standard, providing an outline for four-color manabases and introducing an insane brew.
The new set is fully spoiled and Mike Lanigan is ready with his Top 10. These are the cards that will impact Standard the most, so don’t miss out on the action!