For many, there’s a lot less to do nowadays thanks to COVID-19. Luckily, Magic is an excellent way to stay distracted. This week Sig shares three ways he has tapped into Magic to grind a little value and pass excess time more productively.
Card Kingdom
When buyouts occur, strange pricing trends can result. But a few trends in particular are causing Sig to scratch his head. This week he shares the discrepancies and tries to explain why his observations stand out.
With the recent run on Commander / Old School cards, players have been reaching towards budget, Foreign Black-Bordered option. Suddenly, these cards aren’t so “budget” anymore. This week Sig examines the trend and shares thoughts on how best to sell these once-obscure cards.
With COVID-19 halting paper events, vendors need to find alternate ways of restocking cards. Star City Games and ChannelFireball have been touting their buylist pretty hard lately. But can their prices compete with Card Kingdom and ABUGames? This week Sig investigates!
A list of major online retailers and their COVID-19 related news that will continue to be updated. Please check back frequently for updates.
COVID-19 has forced temporary suspension of many large Magic vendor operations. This week Sig reports on which vendors are closed, which are still open for business, and how he’s shopping during this tumultuous time.
It’s unavoidable: the Coronavirus is all over the news. Things can become quite dire, and Magic is far from important in the grand scheme of things. However, this is a Magic website–this week Sig explores the virus’s potential impact to MTG finance from both an optimist’s and a pessimist’s lens.
When people discuss Magic finance, our minds immediately go towards the cards. They are the game pieces, after all, so the game can’t exist without them. However through Magic’s 27 year history, there are a number of ancillary products that can be quite collectible…and valuable.
2019 has been a tough year to be holding Old School cards, to put it mildly. As prices equilibrate, Sig is slowly making new acquisitions for his collection. Will this be a brighter year for card prices? Or will they continue to stagnate? This week, Sig shares his take.
While it’s true the Old School market has been particularly soft this season, some vendors have overdone their price cutting. The result: many deals are out there on major retailer sites…if you know where to look and can catch a restock.
What cards are still in print yet are currently rarer than Alpha rares? This week Sig examines the unprecedented set of Mystery Booster playtest cards, highlighting pricing inconsistencies and trying to predict the future market for these casual favorites.
Part two is here! Tarkan recently had a nice chat with Damon Morris, CEO of Card Kingdom. Listen here for discussion on CK’s retail expansion, the future of Legacy, and more!
While the stock market breaks records, many components of the Magic market are well off of their highs. This has created some real buying opportunities. This week Sig shares some of his favorite pick-ups as well as where to buy them at the best price.