UndyingMTG takes a look at Zendikar Rising, examining the sleeper hits available in Extended Art Foils.
UndyingMTG takes aim at Boros Pioneer sleepers in the next edition of his Budget-Focused series.
Budget-Focused returns, this week focusing on three sleeper hits
Core Set 2021 is proving to be one of the most exciting core sets in a long time! Joe takes a look at the 4 spoilers he’s most excited about, breaking down potential speculation targets related to each of them.
UndyingMTG gives us the rundown on Lovestruck Beast and how “extras” are impacting the secondary market.
Tournament Magic will always have its place. But when it comes to game play hours, kitchen table Magic dwarfs the tournament scene. This explains why so many non-tournament legal cards are valuable. This week Sig explores some of the most desirable, which may make for good long-term investments.
Chris examines Oathbreaker, and judges the long-term viability of the format.
Edward covers the latest shifts in the wake of Pro Tour 25th Anniversary, including a new section that highlights major targets he missed in earlier articles.
Valter explores the rewarding realm of casual Magic, pointing out a few of his favorites.
Corbin examines Magic 2013 and Ravnica to try and find the next casual hit (like Parallel Lives) that will make you money!