Ravnica Allegiance is driving new demand in Modern and Commander. Adam has the details along with insight into what might be next to move.
Carlos builds a rebel Commander deck from the ground up, headed by –who else?– Lin Sivvi. Read on to see his unique take on a classic archetype from years past.
Carlos brings CawBlade to Commander. Can this be a cacophony of cool, or a catastrophic calamity? Come check it out!
Continuing our exploration of Legacy and the Color Wheel, we’ll move onto the series’ second installment. You’ll find all the White cards you can comfortably prepare to see in Legacy alongside the most prominent decklists harnessing the color.
Onslaught was a momentous set. The cards catered to a huge number of casual players who wanted support for their tribal decks, with support for Elves, Goblins and other, newly-ordained tribes like Soldiers and Wizards. It’s hard to believe that before Onslaught, “tribal” wasn’t really much of a term to describe the mechanic. The set had plenty for tournament players, too.
This week, Usman begins a series on performing a SWOT analysis on each color in cubes, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each color and what it brings to aligned multicolor pairs, starting with an analysis of white.