FTV: 20 will release a slew of reprints, including Jace the Mind Sculptor. David Schumann looks to past FTV sets to determine how prices will react.
Chainer’s Edict
Peter Knudson introduces a format to appease your Zombie apocalypse needs. Grab a deck and prepare to face off against the relentless Zombie Horde with Peter’s new way to put your cards to use and outlive the undead.
Neale lines up a howling good time without laying a finger on a Werewolf. It’s new-school Commander all the way!
Ready for another round of gravedigging? Not your own grave, of course, but that of opponents’ graves? Jules is back with a round of graveyard action. Get primed right here for Innistrad in Commander!
Neale’s back with a new deck to tune! He starts with a controlling Korlash build and ends fawning over Dralnu and Jin-Gitaxias. You’ll have to read to find out why!
Neale brings you one vision, one goal, one overriding, dominating objective: blue mages must die.
Anthony Avitollo, our resident cube master, breaks down or completely blasts some of the best (and overhyped cards) for cubes from New Phyrexia!
In part 3 of his Cube SWOT series, Usman discusses the strengths, weaknesses, and archetypes represented in black and how these manifest in cube.
To kick off the new year, this week David talks about building an affordable Commander collection, finding obscure cards to play, and fawns over more Invasion block cards!
Not sure how to build your first Commander deck? David’s here to help! This week he offers a few pointers for basic Commander deck building and walks us through Rhys the Exiled as a potential Commander!