Jordan has figured out why UR Murktide just won’t relax its grip on Modern: the deck is hiding in plain sight as an instance of Magic’s most broken archetype.
Champion of the Parish
David serves his first tournament report in a bit, describing a crash-and-burn with Burn brought to us by a common Modern occurrence he dubs The Fringe Effect.
With Mythic Championship II in the books, Chris takes a look at the decks that benefited from the London Mulligan, and their key cards he’s considering as specs.
Mox Opal and Ancient Stirrings are on the rise again in Modern via a new combo deck. Find out if you should join ’em or figure out how to beat ’em.
In light of an important announcement from Wizards coming later this month, Eddie makes a bold prediction about Magic‘s future. Plus, more metagame finance insight.
This week, Eddie takes a deeper look into how Ravnica Allegiance is starting to affect all formats, along with his resulting portfolio updates.