After receiving a Twitter question about Collectors’ Edition, Sig shares his most recent take on the set.
Chaos Orb
Sig’s records aren’t perfect, but he has recently just passed his 500th MTG finance article–nearly ten years of writing! This week Sig reflects back on his MTG finance journey, the key decisions along the way, and what makes Magic the greatest game in the world.
This week, Sig returns to Collectors’ Edition cards, examining how these have responded to recent Reserved List buyouts. Specifically, he points out an interesting gap developing between market pricing and retailer pricing. The trend could make you a little profit.
With the recent run on Commander / Old School cards, players have been reaching towards budget, Foreign Black-Bordered option. Suddenly, these cards aren’t so “budget” anymore. This week Sig examines the trend and shares thoughts on how best to sell these once-obscure cards.
When asked to write about COVID-19’s impact on Magic, Sig did his best to speculate on potential outcomes. Now, two weeks later, the pandemic’s impact has come more into focus, and Sig has a clearer viewpoint on how this is likely to unfold in the world of Magic finance.
Tournament Magic will always have its place. But when it comes to game play hours, kitchen table Magic dwarfs the tournament scene. This explains why so many non-tournament legal cards are valuable. This week Sig explores some of the most desirable, which may make for good long-term investments.
While it’s true the Old School market has been particularly soft this season, some vendors have overdone their price cutting. The result: many deals are out there on major retailer sites…if you know where to look and can catch a restock.
Last Friday Sig drove to MagicFest Indianapolis, where he experienced inconsistent results in trying to move some Old School cards. One vendor did come to the rescue, but Sig’s strategy going forward is going to be a little different.
Sig was one of the first people to purchase the latest Mythic Edition set when the listing went live last week. But after considering a few factors, he decided to cancel. He explains why.