In both stocks and Magic, Sig usually prefers the big-picture approach. This week he zeros in on the details, identifying specific cards he has eyes on for profits.
Clever Impersonator
Ryan expects a wide open field for PT Battle for Zendikar, an environment Four-Color Control is uniquely positioned to capitalize on. He shares his thoughts and a rough sketch of the deck.
Out first look at BFZ Standard is here with the results from SCG Indianapolis. Doug runs through the best performing decks with accompanying suggestions for financial action.
Matthew Lewis presents the final part of his analysis of foil mythics on MTGO–how to build a portfoilio centered around foil mythics to generate significant revenue.
David Schumann covers the MTG Stock Watch, with an analysis of the biggest gainers and losers across several categories of cards.
Foil cards present a great opportunity to protect and grow your Magic investments. But how do you choose?
If you’re getting into Standard, you can’t just expect to flip the deck later to recuperate your entry price. Danny Brown breaks down the cost and expected buylist price for the major Standard decks.
Here’s a breakdown of the decks that made the top eight of Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir, with some things to consider should you be considering playing any of them.
Setting up your own personal achievement system can really help take your enjoyment of a format to the next level!
Each week we review what went on behind the QS Insider curtain. It’s a great way to see what you might be missing if you’re not a subscriber, and a great way to get caught up if you are!
Mike Lanigan runs down his picks for top ten Constructed cards to come out of the newest set, Khans of Tarkir.
This week Sigmund kicks off a week of Khans of Tarkir coverage, focusing on The Jeskai Way. Will this shard have an impact on Standard and demonstrate financial relevance? Read on to see what Sigmund predicts for this URW clan.