
Consecrated Sphinx

Sometimes, decks have a pretty solid theme and plan. When you’re building the Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician deck you know it’s going to be both a burning blade of doom and gooey pile of in-your-own-face explosions. See what Carlos has been cooking with for for weeks!

It was not until the entire top eight had four copies of Jace the Mind Sculptor in their main deck that the talks became serious. We all knew nothing would happen then because New Phyrexia was yet to be released, in printed form at least. But now, the release has come and gone, players have adopted some new cards into their decks, and a new deck or two have made tournament appearances. So, what’s changed since then?

We’ve had 2 weeks of Opens to see the impact New Phyrexia has had on the Standard and Legacy tournament scenes. I’m going to focus on Standard, since the Grand Prix this weekend is Legacy, and will almost certainly have more players than the SCG Open series gets. Waiting on that will give us a bit of a better view on the format. However, for Standard, there’s no reason to wait, especially since the format hasn’t really undergone much of a change.

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