With the Modern Pro Tour right around the corner, Corbin looks at relevant spec targets, some sure-fire and some more speculative.
Cryptic Command
Standard appears stagnant and unlikely to yield exciting spec opportunities right now, while Modern is ripe as ever for gains. Sigmund explains his current strategy.
Ryan ruminates on the direction Modern might head in the coming months.
David Schumann outlines some MTG investment basics, explains the concept of discounted cash flow, and asks how the recent B&R announcement will affect Modern.
Jason Alt weighs in on the B&R announcement, insider trading, and the possibility that Born of the Gods is, just maybe, underrated.
David Schumann breaks down the concept of liquidity and explains how it applies to several different classes of cards.
Kyle delivers his QS debut article by laying down some wisdom on MTGO finance.
Mike Lanigan recaps his experience at Grand Prix Detroit playing Grixis Delver in the ever-diverse Modern metagame.
Sebastien Morin and Jeff Goupil return from a month-long hiatus for a review of their articles so far. They discuss what they got right and ask what they could improve upon.
Mike Lanigan reviews M14 using the classic top ten formula. Read on for his picks of cards most likely to make an impact on Standard.
Corbin Hosler, fresh off his epic trip to GP Las Vegas, discusses some surprising data from the trade floor and movement in Modern prices.
Prices have been on a roller coaster ride during the Modern Masters online release weekend, presenting many opportunities. Sébastien and Jeff cover all the rares they are buying.
Modern Masters has been hyped as a value-laden set, and many people are cracking it for singles. Carl Szalich crunches the numbers to see if such a practice yields positive EV.