
Demonic Tutor

CardKitty has been a leader in Magic alterations for some time now, and a quick glance at their work will show you why. The smooth transition between original art and new art is virtually flawless. The use of colors and lines are fantastic. They work in all different types of alters from accents to full art and even fan-art.

Darksteel, the second set in Mirrodin block, is notorious for driving off more Magic players than any other set, even the Urza block. It contained high-power cards for Affinity that did not require finesse to win with. It was like UG Madness in that the best deck was cheap, easy to play and frustrating to metagame against.

Carlos loves to build decks, including those of five colors. Join him this week, defending the multicolor player in us all, and aiming for spot between casual and competitive with a Polymorph deck. Check it out!

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