Rob starts the week with a look at Goryo’s Vengeance.
Demonic Tutor
Rob talks about a potential Commander spec that might be worth a second look.
Is it time for you to drain our pockets?
Some seemingly random commons and uncommons from Magic‘s first two sets are priced surprisingly high. Sig discusses what they are and why they’re holding value.
There are several particular attributes shared by the most popular Commander cards. Jim outlines the criteria he uses to gauge a potential spec for the format.
As rotation nears, we all need to be conscious of the opportunities on cards departing Standard. Jim looks at some likely slow gainers for Commander.
In his first article for Quiet Speculation, Jim Casale covers Commander cards from Hour of Devastation that may end up holding a significant portion of the set’s value.
Years ago, Wizards of the Coast printed some arguably offensive cards. It’s these cards that seem to transcend the Reserved List – WOTC would be crazy to print these cards again. Is there room to make money on such cards? Sig takes a closer look…
In both stocks and Magic, Sig usually prefers the big-picture approach. This week he zeros in on the details, identifying specific cards he has eyes on for profits.
Sig spent last weekend at GP Louisville, buying, selling, and playing some wacky formats. He shares his finance observations from the event.
After a year of ups and downs in Magic finance, Sig has new optimism for a profitable 2017. He looks back at valuable lessons from 2016 and strategies for the new year.
Sigmund has long believed that Magic’s success as a whole props up high-end cards. So what happens when Standard and Modern cards drop in value? Read on for his take.
Brian keeps hammering on the Old School drum, but for good reason. He explains why he thinks the format is priced to grow and where he’d look to invest.