The Commander 2014 release sported some unexpected inclusions that threw a wrench is many speculators’ plans. David Schumann takes stock of the situation and explains what we can expect from Wizards moving forward.
Demonic Tutor
Ryan missed the boat on Treasure Cruise, but now’s the time to explore the full potential of the delve mechanic. Find out his thoughts on why delve will impact every constructed format!
The risk of reprint can make long-term investments on MTGO daunting, but Sylvain believes they are still viable. He reviews several years of price history and attempts to define a long-term strategy for carefully selected targets.
Vintage Champs is right around the corner, and it’s never been a better time to build a gauntlet. Scott Fielder covers the essential decks to test against to prepare for the current meta.
In this last of four installments, we review Garruk vs. Liliana, and discuss whether Duel Decks: Anthology is a buy at MSRP.
Scott Fielder provides a deck primer and sideboarding guide for RUG Delver in Vintage. This deck has been tearing it up on MTGO, and is certainly one that should be on your radar.
Ryan shores up some new revisions to his Vintage Grixis Keeper deck. With a format full of blue decks, Ryan’s list can competitively fit any metagame with only a few tweaks.
A lot of the power and consistency of Vintage comes from the availability of tutors. Scott discusses Oath of Druids and Tinker this week and discusses how the introduction of Dack Fayden has caused some reconsideration as to what the best targets are.
Danny describes why LSV’s video content is a must-watch for anyone who likes to be entertained or get better at Magic.
Scott Fielder recently took Storm out for a spin in a local Vintage tournament. He breaks down each match and highlights several interesting decision points.
Zwischenzug’s last video on MTGO V3 is his first Vintage video. Watch Edric, Spymaster of Trest dominate a game featuring the most powerful cards in all of Magic.
Is Vintage a stale format? Scott Fielder believes there are many underplayed cards and lots of room for brewing. Today he showcases several unconventional decklists.