Adam goes over results from the first Magic Online Vintage Premier Event, noting a few interesting Vintage card choices.
Demonic Tutor
Each week, one of the QS founders recaps what went on behind the paywall, summarizing each of the dozen or so articles Insiders get to read each week and nominating a favorite. It’s a great way to get caught up on your reading if you’re an insider or see what you’re missing if you’re not!
Ryan took Grixis Keeper to the finals of a Minnesota Vintage tournament. With Vintage Masters being so hot, now’s the time to consider what to play in constructed Vintage!
Big events are an exciting but tumultuous place for traders. David Schumann relates an interesting time at GP: DC, and the various lessons he took away from it.
Ryan updates us on his search for a Vintage deck to play at his upcoming local event.
Ryan shares the heartbreaking story of a friend who placed 2nd in PTQ’s on back-to-back weekends, and springboards from there into a conversation on special invites and the current ratings structure.
David Schumann continues his review of eternal staples, this time focusing on rare and little-known gems from the Portal series.
Master’s Edition is returning briefly to MTGO for the holiday weekend. Matthew provide all the information you need to get the most value out of these high-profile and rare sets.
Andy Martin dissects another of his synergistic Commander decks. See how Lyzolda can sacrifice fodder to benefit you.
Andy ranks and reviews each color in Commander to determine what roles it plays well and how it can contribute to a successful deck.
What are the staples of Commander? Andy Martin knows better than most how much card evaluation changes under Commander’s unique rules. Read on to hear his picks for top five in each color.