Corbin returns fresh from Grand Prix Cincinnati with the newest changes to Standard and corresponding financial take-aways.
Desecration Demon
Jason Alt discusses the thorny difference between speculation and plain old making money, before covering the decks and tournaments from the weekend.
Adam describes the Ins and Outs – literally – of Mono-Black Devotion. Print this off and bring it to Grand Prix Cincinnati if you’re going!
In all the talk of Modern, Corbin doesn’t want to forget the most popular format–Standard. He looks at cards trending up and down.
Ryan breaks down two PTQ experiences he recently had with his Standard Burn deck.
Ryan points his spells to the dome with an update of his Standard Burn deck.
Play mistakes in Magic are about as common as Magic players themselves. Mike Lanigan breaks down the different types and some tips to improve your game.
Danny analyzes the progression of Event Decks throughout their relatively short life span, in an attempt to gain insight regarding their financial significance.
Mike Lanigan shares his build of an aggressive Orzhov deck sporting Brimaz, along with a local tournament report.
Jason Alt examines the paltry impact of Born of the Gods on every format ever, asks what cards just might make it anyway, and covers SCG Nashville.
Ryan examines the new set’s spoiler in search of information regarding the future of Standard.
Ryan delves into the spoiler in search of new gems.
Ryan breaks down his sideboard plans for R/w Devotion, reasoning his way through all of the major Standard archetypes.